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ClearCorrect Clear Braces – Assonet, MA

The Clear Choice for a Straighter Smile

A clear aligner lying on a table that is used by an individual receiving ClearCorrect Clear Braces in Assonet

Are you in need of orthodontic treatment? Do you have crooked teeth, a misaligned bite, or gaps that are causing you to be self-conscious about your appearance? If so, the team at Woodside Dental Care can offer ClearCorrect Clear Braces in Assonet, MA to repair and improve your smile’s aesthetics and overall health. Far too often, adults leave these problems untreated out of fear that they will be forced to wear metal brackets and wires. Now with ClearCorrect, you no longer need to worry about compromising your daily appearance. These transparent aligners make it possible to receive discreet treatment and fast results. To learn more about ClearCorrect, schedule an appointment with us today!

Why Choose Woodside Dental Care for ClearCorrect Clear Braces?

  • Faster orthodontic solution than traditional braces
  • Highly-qualified and trained professional to administer treatment
  • Flexible solution that allows patients to maintain a regular diet and oral hygiene routine

How Does Treatment with ClearCorrect Clear Braces Work?

A female dentist examining a woman’s smile to determine if she’s a qualified candidate for ClearCorrect

Similar to Invisalign clear aligners, ClearCorrect Clear Braces use a series of plastic trays that are custom-made to fit your smile as it moves through treatment. Using gentle, continuous pressure, your teeth will move in the right direction, putting you one step closer to achieving desired results.

Once Dr. Cornetta examines your smile and recommends ClearCorrect, he will take impressions of your teeth and send them off to a dental lab where technicians will create a specific number of trays. Once they arrive in our dental office, your cosmetic dentist in Assonet will make sure the first set fit properly inside your mouth before offering detailed instructions regarding how long to wear each set every day. Typically, it is recommended that you wear them for at least 20-22 hours a day for 1-2 weeks at a time. Depending on your case, the timeline for treatment can vary.

Benefits of ClearCorrect

A young female holding a ClearCorrect aligner in one hand and a mouth mold with traditional braces in the other hand

Although ClearCorrect isn’t the only orthodontic treatment, it is one of the most popular. That’s because this teeth-straightening solution offers several noteworthy benefits. To learn a few examples on your journey to deciding if clear aligners or traditional braces are right for you, read on!

A More Subtle, Discreet Solution

Closeup of patient putting on clear aligner

Let’s start with one of the most common reasons patients choose ClearCorrect: the aligners are completely see-through. With a more subtle, discreet approach to orthodontics, it’s not surprising that so many patients, including image-conscious teens and those with careers where their grins are front and center, choose it. Plus, you can always remove the aligners if needed – just make sure you keep an eye on the clock so you meet your 20-22 hour-a-day wear-time!

Eat What You Want Without Worry

Woman smiling while eating salad at park outside

One “downside” of traditional braces is that they come with dietary restrictions. For example, patients are asked to avoid whole apples, raw nuts, and other crunchy foods in an effort to keep their brackets and wires in place. ClearCorrect, on the other hand, gives you the flexibility to eat your usual diet without worry. All we ask is that you keep added sugar to a minimum, that you exercise caution with really hard foods, and that you remove your trays before eating or drinking anything other than water.

The Trays Are Easy to Maintain

Smiling patient holding clear aligners

One perk of ClearCorrect that is often overlooked is that they are easy to clean and maintain. In fact, you can keep them in pristine condition with just three things: clear soap, lukewarm water, and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Plus, you don’t need to buy any special dental tools, like interproximal toothbrushes, to complete your oral hygiene regimen. All you need to do is remove your aligners before brushing and flossing as usual.

The Average Treatment Timeline Is Quicker

Patient reclined in treatment chair smiling

Sometimes, traditional braces can take three years or more. ClearCorrect, on the other hand, can take 12 months or so. In fact, the average treatment timeline is only 12-18 months! If you’re interested in getting an estimate, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation with our Assonet dental team. From there, we can assess the complexity of your case, provide you with an estimate, and share all of our tips and tricks on how to stay on-track with your treatment plan.

Minimal Irritation

Woman with beautiful teeth smiling at camera

In short, ClearCorrect is completely metal-free. As a result, you won’t experience brackets and wires rubbing against your lips, tongue, and gums. In fact, the trays are created with comfort in mind with specialized software!

Note: If you feel any discomfort during your orthodontic treatment (which is normal from the movement of your teeth), you can take OTC pain medication, stick to soft foods, and sip on cool water to alleviate it.

Living with ClearCorrect Aligners

A woman wearing a white tank top and preparing to insert her ClearCorrect aligner after cleaning it

When wearing ClearCorrect clear braces, you will quickly learn how easy it is to live day-to-day with this method of orthodontic treatment. That said, it’s always a good idea to do some research to make the transition into life with braces as smooth as possible. So, keep reading to learn a few tips we recommend!

Wear Your Trays for 20+ Hours a Day

Woman smiling while holding her clear aligner

In order to stay on-track with your treatment plan, you need to wear your trays for the designated amount of time each day (between 20 and 22 hours). At first, this might prove to be a bit difficult, especially while you’re learning how to take off and put on your aligners. The good news is that this process will get quicker with time, and you can use the stopwatch on your phone to help you meet your wear time goal each day.

Clean Your Teeth and Your Trays

Patient using toothbrush to clean aligner

You want to keep your aligners clear, right? Then make sure that you take them off before eating, drinking anything other than water, or cleaning them. It’s also important to adopt other healthy habits, starting with using a soft-bristled toothbrush, clean, cool water, and mild dishwashing liquid to clean them each morning and evening. Brushing your teeth after each meal and flossing each evening is important too!

Limit Your Intake of Dark-Colored Foods

Smiling woman snacking on fruit in kitchen

Although ClearCorrect doesn’t come with any dietary restrictions, there are a few things you should keep in mind when it comes to eating and drinking. For example, you should limit the amount of dark-colored foods and beverages you consume. You should also brush your teeth immediately afterward to avoid potential stains from transferring onto your trays. Lastly, limit your intake of added sugar; it’s one of the leading causes of cavities!

Store Your Aligners in a Protective Case

Patient holding clear aligner and blue case

To avoid losing or damaging the trays, you need to keep them protected inside a special case when you aren’t wearing them. You also need to clean them over a soft surface, like a towel, to protect them from damage if you accidentally drop them.

Tip: Always keep your previous set of aligners in case you accidentally lose one and need to return to your old set until a new one is created.

Prioritize Your Scheduled Visits

Woman smiling at reflection in mirror

Although you won’t have to come in for adjustment appointments every month, you will need to come in every six or eight weeks so Dr. Cornetta can review your progress. If your teeth are progressing as anticipated, then you’ll be free to go! If they aren’t, then he will make the necessary adjustments to get you back on-track with your treatment plan.

Understanding the Cost of ClearCorrect

dentist showing ClearCorrect braces to a patient

Every smile we see here at Woodside Dental Care is different, which naturally means that no two patients go through the exact same process when straightening their teeth with ClearCorrect braces. Several factors come into play when determining the cost of ClearCorrect in Assonet, such as the specific movements your teeth need to make. We’ll review these factors at your consultation, where we can also discuss your financing options, including our in-house dental membership program.

Factors That Affect the Cost of ClearCorrect

person holding a ClearCorrect aligner

The price of your ClearCorrect treatment will depend on a number of variables, which include:

  • Complexity of your case – Unsurprisingly, the more severe your orthodontic problems are, the more expensive it will be to move your teeth into their ideal positions. For example, closing a few minor gaps between the teeth will cost less than fixing a major overbite and multiple crooked teeth.
  • Length of your treatment – You’ll wear a series of trays throughout your treatment, each one representing one step closer to your perfect smile. The longer your treatment, the more trays you’ll need to pay for.
  • Your level of compliance – To keep your treatment on track, you’ll have to wear your aligner trays for at least 20-22 hours a day and properly care for them. If you don’t, then you’ll be responsible for the cost of any additional trays.

ClearCorrect vs. Smile Direct Club™: Cost vs. Value

person putting a ClearCorrect aligner in their mouth

Since clear aligners like ClearCorrect have taken the dental world by storm, many mail-in aligner systems, such as Smile Direct Club™, have arisen and presented people with the option of discreetly straightening their teeth without needing to set foot in a dentist’s office. These “do-it-yourself” aligners might seem tempting, especially because they often cost less than ClearCorrect, but they could actually cost you more overall!

DIY clear aligners come with little to no oversight from a dental professional, so there is plenty of room for things to go wrong. For instance, you might accidentally take incorrect impressions that end up moving your teeth in different directions that you’d intended. At that point, you’d need to visit a dentist to have the issue corrected, leading to you spending more money than if you’d chosen a dentist for ClearCorrect from the start. If you want the confidence of a successful, proven treatment, then ClearCorrect is an investment worth making!

Does Dental Insurance Cover ClearCorrect?

dental insurance paperwork

Only some dental insurance plans cover orthodontics, and of those that do, clear aligners like ClearCorrect are often excluded. With that being said, our team is more than happy to look over your plan to make sure you’re getting the most out of the benefits you’re eligible for. We’ll even file your claims on your behalf to make the paperwork process as stress-free as possible for you.

Options for Making ClearCorrect Affordable

dentist showing a tablet to a patient

Do you not have dental insurance? Don’t worry; we have other ways of helping you afford ClearCorrect. These include:

  • CareCredit – This third-party financier has helped countless patients split up their treatment costs into smaller monthly installments that fit into most budgets. With a variety of low- to no-interest payment plans to choose from, there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you!
  • Dental membership program – Our Woodside Dental Care Smile Plan is a more inclusive alternative to insurance. For a low monthly or annual fee, you get your basic preventive care covered, and a 15% discount on most other services we provide, including ClearCorrect.

ClearCorrect FAQs

a smiling person standing outside wearing a backpack and a yellow jacket

Are you interested in ClearCorrect aligners but still have some unanswered questions stopping you from picking up the phone and scheduling a consultation with our friendly team at Woodside Dental Care? We want you to feel confident and comfortable in all of the dental decisions you make, which is why we’ve compiled a list of common questions we receive from our patients about this treatment below.

Does wearing ClearCorrect aligners hurt?

ClearCorrect in Assonet is a convenient and discreet way to straighten teeth, but at the end of the day, any orthodontic treatment you receive will come with an adjustment period. Some patients report slight discomfort whenever they switch to the next set of trays in their treatment because of their different fit, but in most cases, it’s not anything that ibuprofen can’t help. To minimize discomfort, we recommend advancing trays at night before you go to sleep so you can rest through most of the adjustment period.

How do I clean my aligners?

Cleaning your aligners is crucial to maintaining good oral health throughout your treatment. Here are some helpful tips that we provide to patients:

  • Rinse them with cool water each time before you put them in your mouth.
  • Store them in a hard protective case whenever you’re not wearing them.
  • Brush your trays with a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle, clear liquid soap to remove any food particles or saliva at least once a day.
  • Never wash your trays with hot water.

Do I need to cut out any foods during my ClearCorrect treatment?

One of the best benefits of choosing ClearCorrect over traditional metal braces is you won’t have to change your diet as you’re undergoing treatment. Instead, you’ll just need to remove your aligners before each meal and snack. Remember that you shouldn’t chew on anything with your trays in because it could alter their structure or damage them.

Will my insurance cover the cost of ClearCorrect?

In most cases, dental insurance companies won’t cover the cost of ClearCorrect aligners. However, that’s not the case for every plan, so it’s always a good idea to double-check your coverage by contacting your insurance provider directly and asking.

Can I get ClearCorrect aligners if I’ve had braces before?

It’s not uncommon for people to forget to wear their retainer after getting traditional metal braces, resulting in their teeth gradually shifting back into their original positions. If this is your case and you’re a good candidate for ClearCorrect, there’s nothing stopping you from re-correcting your orthodontic issues with clear aligners this time around!