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Root Canal Therapy – Assonet, MA

Fast & Gentle Pain Relief

Woman holding jaw in pain before root canal therapy

To say that root canal therapy has a bad reputation would be an understatement. Pretty much any unpleasant experience has been compared to a root canal! However, this procedure is one of the best tools we have to stop severe dental pain and save badly damaged teeth from being extracted. If you’re dealing with a terrible toothache, a root canal may be exactly what you need to finally get some fast and gentle pain relief. To find out if root canal therapy is the right treatment for you, give us a call to schedule your urgent visit.

Why Choose Woodside Dental Care for Root Canal Therapy?

  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation Available
  • Able to Quickly Stop Extreme Dental Pain
  • Gentle, Safe, & Reliable Procedure

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

Woman needing root canal therapy in Assonet

Your teeth are composed of different layers, and the innermost one is called the dental pulp. If the pulp becomes exposed to bacteria, either due to decay or an accident that has cracked the enamel, it can easily become infected. This usually causes a very painful toothache because the pulp is also where the delicate nerve of a tooth is located. To stop this kind of pain and save a tooth from extraction, we’ll recommend a root canal. Here are some common symptoms that could indicate that you could benefit from root canal therapy:

  • Severe dental pain
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swollen and tender gum tissue
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • A pimple-like bump on your gums

The Root Canal Process

X-ray with damaged tooth highlighted red before root canal therapy

The procedure itself is actually not painful—the infection it is intended to treat is why root canals are thought of so poorly. After thoroughly numbing your tooth, Dr. Cornetta will access the pulp, remove any diseased tissue, clean, and sanitize the tooth, and then he’ll fill and seal it before rebuilding your tooth with a crown. Thanks to modern-day dental techniques, most patients report feeling little to no discomfort during or after the procedure, and root canal-treated teeth can easily look and function normally for decades afterward.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Man smiling after root canal therapy in Assonet

Root canal therapy is a safe way to prevent additional dental issues later on. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Preserves the Tooth: When compared to tooth extractions, root canal therapy can save you time, money, and further complications.
  • Stop Harmful Bacteria: Root canal therapy effectively clears away harmful bacteria that are causing you pain and discomfort.
  • Painless Treatment: It may not have the best reputation, but root canal therapy is virtually pain-free! It feels similar to getting a standard filling and requires much less healing time than an extraction.