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Dental Implant Failure & Salvage – Assonet, MA

Keeping Your New Tooth Safe & Sound

a woman holding her cheek due to failed dnetal implant

Once you’ve undergone dental implant treatment and finally restored your missing teeth, you can be sure to enjoy a success rate of 95% or above. While most patients experience extremely reliable results, there is a slight and rare chance that your implants could fail. There can be various reasons for this to happen, and even though this might seem alarming, our team at Woodside Dental Care can offer salvage treatment to save your pearly whites. Keep reading to learn what can cause a failed dental implant and how we can help save your smile and oral health!

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

a 3D depiction of a single dental implant

Perhaps the biggest culprit for dental implant failure is peri-implantitis. This is a specific form of gum disease that attacks the connective tissues around the titanium post, causing inflammation and damage to the jawbone and surrounding structures that are meant to support it. Peri-implantitis typically occurs due to poor oral hygiene, meaning it can be prevented with daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash.

Other factors that can cause a failed dental implant include failed osseointegration, accidental physical injury, or a medical condition that can affect your body’s ability to heal and support the metal post, such as diabetes or oral cancer.

Symptoms of Failed Dental Implants

a an holding his cheek due to failed dental implant

A dental implant could potentially fail at any point, either a couple of weeks after placement or many years down the road. Some of the most common indications that your implant is in trouble include:

  • Looseness of the implant itself (not the restoration)
  • Abnormal pain or discomfort
  • Trouble chewing
  • Bleeding, swelling, or pus around the dental implant

How Dental Implant Salvage Works

a patient smiling after undergoing implant salvage treatment

If you notice any discomfort or complications with your dental implant(s), remember to contact our team for help as soon as possible. We will thoroughly evaluate your situation, review your symptoms, and determine the best way to preserve your new tooth/teeth. This could involve performing a deep cleaning (scaling and root planing), providing you with antibiotics, or bone grafting to improve the strength and density of your jawbone for better implant support. The sooner you’re able to visit us for salvage treatment, the better the chance of saving your rebuilt smile.