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Woodside Dental Care Blog

Do You Need to Replace a Missing Back Tooth?

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 11:00 pm
Man missing tooth

When you are missing a tooth, even if it’s in the back, it can be more difficult to complete daily tasks, like eating and speaking clearly. With a variety of different tooth replacement options out there, you don’t have to settle for gaps in your smile anymore. Dental implants are particularly popular because they have so many benefits. However, if the tooth is in the back of your mouth, do you really need to replace it? After all, no one can even see it. Continue reading to learn about the inconveniences and risks of not replacing your missing teeth.


Avoid These 3 Habits to Keep Your Dental Implants Healthy

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 5:34 am
woman biting nails with dental implants

You were taking a walk with a friend along the Assonet River when you discovered some troubling news. Your friend’s husband recently lost a few of his teeth, including a dental implant that he’d gotten several years prior. You recently received your first dental implant and were informed that dental implants are meant to be permanent solutions to missing teeth. So why is it that your friend’s husband lost his tooth? There are a variety of detrimental habits that might put your dental implant at risk. If you avoid or kick all 3 of the habits below, you can protect the integrity of your dental implants. 


Can Dental Implants Improve My Life Expectancy?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 10:02 pm
mature man smiling outdoors

If you’re familiar with dental implants, you’ve probably heard about how they can improve your smile. While that’s true, the bigger news might be that they can improve your life expectancy!

Tooth loss can lead to a lot of health issues, so it’s important to decide on some form of replacement sooner rather than later. Keep reading to learn how dental implants in Assonet can make a significant difference for you to live longer while looking good doing it.


Is It Safe for Diabetics Get Dental Implants?

September 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 11:13 pm
Person with diabetes checking her blood sugar levels

Tooth loss is a common issue that people face all throughout the country. Missing one or more teeth can make it much more difficult to complete daily tasks, like eating, speaking, and smiling. The good news is that just because you have lost teeth doesn’t mean that you need to go the rest of your life with gaps in your smile. Dental implants are a preferred tooth replacement option due to their numerous benefits, but are they safe for patients who have diabetes? Here’s what you need to know.


Technology & Sleep Science: Is Your Phone Keeping You Awake?

February 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 1:43 pm

person on their phone while laying in bed

Most people have a nightly routine of scrolling through their social media before going to bed and checking out the latest news and what’s going on with their friends and family. Whether you use a phone, tablet, or computer to do this, you may be surprised to know that it can have an impact on your quality of rest. Without a proper night of sleep, you can feel fatigued, groggy, and unmotivated the next day. Read on to learn more about sleep science and three ways that nightly use of electronics, even for five minutes, can negatively impact your rest.

How Interrupted Sleep Can Negatively Impact Your Health

January 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 12:44 am

woman struggling to stay awake in carTo function at its best, your body requires adequate rest each night. Interrupted sleep related to lapses in your breathing is commonly associated with sleep apnea, which affects over 22 million Americans. As you continue reading, you’ll discover just how detrimental the condition can be to your overall health. Additionally, you’ll learn how a local sleep dentist can help you recover so you can get back to leading a normal and fulfilling life.


The Impact Dental Implants Can Have on Your Jawbone Density

December 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 2:44 am

dental implant inserted in jawboneEach of your teeth plays a significant role in maintaining your jawbone density. That’s because their roots trigger the production of new bone cells. When you have missing teeth for a prolonged period of time, the natural regeneration process can slow down, which can lead to your other teeth eventually falling out and changes in your facial structure. Thankfully, there is a remedy to this problem: dental implant insertion. As you read further, you’ll learn about the connection between bone density and dental implant success.


4 Terms To Know To Maximize Dental Insurance Benefits Before They Expire

November 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 4:39 pm

jar of money sitting on a counterThere’s no better time to save money on dental treatments than during the holidays, which can get fairly pricey. One way to do this is to take advantage of your insurance before it restarts on January 1st. Any of your unused benefits will fall back into the pocket of your insurance company instead of optimizing your oral health. If you’re unsure of how to navigate your dental insurance policy in order to get the most out of it, read on to learn four terms that can help you understand how your coverage works. (more…)

It’s Dental Hygiene Month! Learn Why Dental Checkups Are So Important

October 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 11:57 am

Dentist performing an exam on female patientYour dental hygiene and health are important all year-round. But, especially as we go into the sweets-filled holiday season, it’s even more essential to take good care of your teeth and gums. And since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, it couldn’t be a better time to schedule your dental checkups and teeth cleanings. Learn more below about the many ways these visits benefit your oral health and even your overall quality of life. Some of them may surprise you!


Is Dental Implant Pain Normal?

September 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — woodsidedental @ 4:44 pm

woman with facial painYou’ve lived with tooth loss long enough. You’re ready to enjoy the next best thing to your natural teeth with dental implants. Although you’re excited to have a complete smile again, you’re also a bit apprehensive because you worry about dental implant pain. As with any oral surgery, there will be discomfort for a few days during the healing process, but afterward, you shouldn’t even notice your dental implants. If your pain persists or reoccurs, it’s a sign of an underlying problem. It’s time to call your implant dentist right away to protect your new smile from failure.

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